Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ahhhh. My kids do love each other!

Let me start off with a couple of facts.

1. Katie can be standing in the middle of the room and somehow fall and get hurt. She is always getting hurt.

2. Jameson and Katie fight ALL the time.

Today Jameson, Katie, and Logan were riding the little 4 wheeler and little dirt bike. Well, Jameson fixes them and the other kids ride. Katie some how didn't turn in time and rode right into the irrigation ditch. She hit her head and the 4 wheeler fell on her. Logan, who LOVES his bike, slammed on his breaks and when it didn't stop fast enough jumped off his bike and let it hit the ground to go help his sister. Logan ran in the house and yelled something; I was taking a nap but heard in his voice it wasn't good so I shot outside. Jeff was already out there. Now for the miracle… Brittany whispered to me that Jameson reacted so well. He jumped in the ditch, didn't even look at the 4 wheeler and helped Katie. He even hugged her while she was crying! I would of assumed that he would of got mad about the 4 wheeler. Once he found out she was okay he told her not to worry about it and just started fixing the 4 wheeler. Brittany came in the house and put ice on Katie's wounds. I am very happy to know that when it matters the kids come together and do care for each other!!


Friday, June 8, 2012

Painter of Light

I just read this article on LDS.org and thought of my friend Talya. It is such a good article and gives you a lot to think about. I am grateful for my friend Talya who has served my family and so many others through her art. I have gained a deeper testimony through her art. I have understood more deeply though her art. Thank you Talya Johnson for your service and sharing your work with us.

If you haven't seen her work her is her website www.talyajohnson.com

Bill L. Hill: Painter of Light

Bill L. Hill is an artist with strong feelings about color and light. He believes that color is a channel through which truth can flow with great efficiency. “Color,” he explains, “is one of the most pure channels of communication because it is a direct derivative of light.”
Visual art deals with light more directly than the other arts do. And an inspired artist can use color to communicate truths that cannot be communicated by music, writing, or any other art. But all the arts complement each other, Brother Hill continues. Each has its own means of touching us.

Along with painting, Bill is an accomplished musician. Having studied and listened to music—its chords, patterns, and harmonics—he has developed his own theory of color. Bill is convinced that just as music creates its effects on us when tones and chords are arranged in certain families, groupings, and ranges, so do certain combinations of color as they are used together in a work.
Even though this principle is not revolutionary, Brother Hill began to realize its spiritual implications for himself as an artist. He adds, “I want to communicate the messages of light, beauty, and excellence that are part of the Light of Christ, but first I have to have a measure of these in me. You can’t give something you don’t have.” (See D&C 50:24 and D&C 88:67.)

A colorful individual himself with a white, well-trimmed beard, white wavy hair, and gray-blue eyes, Brother Hill has trained himself to distinguish colors where others generally do not. He believes that we can see subtle colors better in our peripheral vision—colors which, if focused upon, disappear.

“I had to learn to control the use of my eyes to really see what was there before I destroyed it by focusing sharply. This occurred to me one day when I was driving in the southern Utah desert. Flashes of color, evident out of the corner of my eye, vanished when I looked directly at them,” he said. “All atmospheric matter, such as dust and moisture particles, acts as microscopic prisms splintering the sunlight into its rainbow parts, creating an environment of all colors everywhere present.”
Beyond his selection of intense color, Bill uses a deliberate technique of “layering” his canvas—successive applications of transparent treatment with “all colors everywhere present.” He says that this procedure allows the light to penetrate the work, glance from various tinted facets, and ricochet outward as live energy—somewhat as light plays in a fire-opal or diamond.

Brother Hill didn’t start painting full-time until he was forty-five years old. Now sixty-seven, he works in his thirty-foot-by-forty-foot studio located behind his home in Mendon, Utah, at the foot of the Wellsville Mountains in Cache Valley. He is the high priests group instructor in his ward, and his wife, Carolyn, and he are temple specialists in their stake.

Light is one of God’s gifts to us, he declares, and it is most appropriately used when turned back to its source in devoted service. (See D&C 88:50.) Bill’s painting is his devoted service and his passion. He sees himself as a receptacle through which light and inspiration flow—an apprentice studying under the Master Artist.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Spiritual growth through Graphic Design

I am five weeks into the semester. I have learned a lot about my Heavenly father and myself through my Graphic Design class. I am taking a religion class where I am learning spiritually too, BUT my biggest lessons have come though art. Here are a few things to think about. 

The Principles of Design are Eternal.

 “If we strive for perfection—the best and greatest—and are never satisfied with mediocrity, we can excel”

                                                                                      ~Spencer W. Kimball 

“We must recognize that excellence and quality are a reflection of how we feel about ourselves and about life and about God. If we don’t care much about these basic things, then such not caring carries over into the work we do, and our work becomes shabby and shoddy.

Real craftsmanship, regardless of the skill involved, reflects real caring, and real caring reflects our attitude about ourselves, about our fellowmen, and about life.”

                                                                                        ~Spencer W. Kimball 

 Have you ever stopped to consider that your lack of caring or dedication to your work related to your education is a reflection of how you feel about God and about yourself? Did you also notice that he is only suggesting we do the best we personally can, not that we compare ourselves to the masters directly (aspire to reach that level, yes, but compare ourselves directly to, no)? 

The statement, “regardless of the skill involved,” really opens this up to everyone in a wonderful way. But, at the end of the day, if we have ever sluffed that assignment or just done what we felt was “good enough” it seems to show evidence of a deeper problem in our lives. 

Did you ever stop to think about your personal attitude when receiving feedback about your work? Are you humble and do you open your heart, or do you get defensive and angry about the feedback?

At the end of the day, the question is, what can you/we do about it? Give up? NO ... what will you do about your personal responsibility to become the best son and or daughter of our Heavenly Father that you can become.

                                                                                             ~Art 130 professor/BYUI

Theses are but a few flakes of gold I have gathered from my art class. I have applied them to more than one area of my life.

D&C 130: 19 “And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come.”

Not intended for the faint of palate....

Mother's day was great. I got cute presents, went to a great sacrament meeting, and then was selfish the rest of the day! I cooked all day and it was great. I put everything in to the meal that I liked. I didn't worry about who didn't like mushrooms, who like the veggies cut smaller, etc.... So here is how it went.

I got a box of veggies/fruits from bountiful baskets. I'll highlight the items I used for the bountiful baskets since people have been asking about them. I started by cutting up fresh rosemary, basil, marjoram, garlic, onion,  green pepper and red pepper.  While that was sauteing in some olive oil I infused with fresh herbs, I sliced the mushrooms.  

Then I added whole back olives which I love because they fill with sauce. YummY!
I threw in tomato sauce and diced tomatoes.

Then I made big meatballs with fresh herbs and big chunks of garlic. I love garlic!

Then I made a fresh salad with lettuce, spinach and tomatoes.

Then I sliced up fresh honeydew and mango.

For the drink I had Simply Peach powder by Shelf Reliance. I added fresh squeezed lemons in it. It was so refreshing.

Here is the final result.

Last but not least I made a cream cheese lemon pound cake with fresh lemon zest glaze drizzled on it.

One fun part of the dinner was that we surprised Jeff (thanks to Lee and Jill!) With the dishes he grew up eating on. Pauleen got them in 1954 for her wedding to Jeff's dad. Jeff had good memories with the dishes. I spared you the picture of him crying:) We started reading the backs and they were made in England. Each dish has a different castle or manor from England. They even tell stories on the back. They are amazing.

After the little kids went to bed I watched some of my favorite hair bands form the 80's on Utube:) Jameson was slightly traumatized but Jeff and I had fun!

Happy Mother's day to me!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Time to Ketchup

It's been a long time. I seem to have a blog post in my head all the time but never get around to posting it. So here are some random things we have been up to or are going to be up to....

1. Brittany and I leave in 7 days for vacation! We are going to Missouri for a week and then to Education Week in Utah. For some reason we can't be excited about both at the same time. We will get super excited about MO and forget about Education Week. Then we get super excited about Education Week and forget we are going to MO! I guess they are both so awesome we can't handle thinking about them at the same time.

I can't even wrap my brain(by brain I mean heart)around the fact that I will be leaving her in Utah and coming home alone:(.... Does BYU accept old laddies? Maybe I should stay for a semester to make sure she is okay. Just a thought.

2. Brittany got her second YW medallion last Sunday!!! What a overachiever. No wonder she got into BYU. LOL. I also got my YW medallion last week. I love the YW's program. I loved working on PP. It was a wonderful experience. After doing this my self I see why our YW are so very strong. The YW program is truly inspired.

3. Katie and Logan are going to a new school. They are going to Birchtree Charter. We are pretty excited.

4. Tyler turned 16!! Yikes! I can't believe he is a Priest.

5. I can't stop thinking about Sonic. Hmm.....maybe that has something to do with the title of this post.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I'm so proud......

Brittany was cleaning up her room and she found a "runaway bag" that Katie had packed. Katie had decided to run away because her brothers were mean to her. In her bag she packed two Book of Mormon's, one for her and one to give away on her travels. My first reactions was, "ohhh that is so sweet". Then Jeff brought up the fact that she was planning on running away. Buzz kill! LOL! I just love my family:)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A day in a mom's life........

8:30am Walmart- to buy baseball shorts

9:00 Sports Authority- still looking for baseball shorts

9:30 Huston High- track meet

10:00 Walther dental- Sophie's first dentist appointment

11:00 Sports Authority- to exchange the baseball pants that were to big

12:00 Smith ball fields- Baseball Opening Ceremonies

2:00 Houston High- back to track meet

3:30 Home- 30 min power nap

4:30 Scoops- Take Katie and Logan to birthday party

4:45 Walmart- shopping without my list...again!

6:30 Scoops- picking up kiddos

6:45 Wasilla track- to run while the kids fly kites on the grass

7:30 HOME!!!

8:00 put kids in bed and prepare my Lesson for tomorrow!!

9:40 take a break and blog:):)

Later- probably drop dead!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Homemade Christmas

This may be my favorite picture. Jeff made Brittany a set of blocks for her hope chest.......for her first baby:(........

I made Chris a scrapbook.

Brittany made Katie a scrapbook to comfort her while she is away at college. Brittany is gone for two weeks to Jamaica and Katie got it out last night and was crying. She misses Brittany a lot. They are very tight. It is going to be rough when Brit leaves.

More Homemade Christmas

I made this for Katie. When she got it she said, " I love black and white old time looking pictures from the 70's!" Thanks Katie.

I made like 5 scarves. I got most of my ideas from Gillian's blog.

This was one of my favorite things to make. It has Jeff's Priesthood Line of Authority on it.

Jeff made me these shelves to organize my ribbons!! He is so awesome!!!!

Chris made these little pull toys for Sophia. They are so cute. I want to just put them up and save them forever!